Before and After photos

The following testimonials are presented as they were written by our clients. Any specific weight loss figures given are their personal experience, and they should not be taken as specific claims for the Metabolic Weight Loss Programme.

Esther lost 1 stone 11lb*

"I reached the point where I had enough about my weight and needed to do something about it. From the age of 30, my weight started to go up and up. I decided to go and see Rachel as I knew a couple of people who had done really well with her. In eleven weeks I had lost 25lb. The four stages of the programme were easy to follow. I lost weight quickly which was a very good incentive to carry on with it. Apart from my weight loss, I have more energy and I am feeling great in myself. I used to have a real problem in getting up in the weekends but that is now a thing in the past.

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Renay lost 20lbs

I have read a few testimonials and on a few occasion thought I was reading my own story. I too was a person that could eat anything and never gained weight. That was until I had a baby and the menopause arrived. In my twenties I was hovering close to the 50 Kg mark, the thirties my weight increased to the 60kg mark and at 49 I was definitely hovering too close to the 70 Kg mark. I just woke up one morning and thought enough...I want to do something before I turn the BIG 50. That was three months ago. Today, I am 9.5 Kg lighter, and have reduced 10 cm on my bust and hips as well as a whopping 18cm on my waist. Every aspect of my life has seen a positive impact – my sleep pattern has improved, I have far more energy, I am less irritable and there are no more downward spirals. To me this was not just a diet but has shown me a better way of life, I now drink water, go to sleep at reasonable times, no more anti anxiety medication and feel a better person to be around. Daley has been a positive, strong support during my 3 month journey and I could not be more grateful to the Metabolic Weight Programme for my new lease on life...

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Derek lost 4 and a half stone*

"I am very happy with my weight loss, I didn't realize just how good it would be losing this amount of weight. I am so glad that I made the plunge and started the programme. I couldn't carry on the way I was as so many different parts of my life was being affected with my weight.

My back, breathing and walking are so much better now. I am now looking decent in clothes!

Apart from myself being very happy with my weight loss - my doctor is very pleased!"

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Debbie lost 6 stone in 6 months*

"I feel really healthy, my energy levels are much higher and I feel so much better. During the programme I was not feeling hungry or having cravings, not feeling tempted to break the diet. Now I enjoy getting dressed to go out. I am really pleased with the results. I lost 6 stone in 6 months!"

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Geraldine lost over 3 stone*

"Seeing the advertisement for 'The Metabolic Weight Loss Programme' started me on the road to three months that have changed my life for the better. Last August, I was feeling unwell, unfit and miserable as I only had to look at food and I put on weight. I don't have a sedentary job and, despite exercising daily, the weight seemed to pile on. Everyone said, 'It's your age!'

Having seen the pictures of others before me, I was eager to start. I did; straight away after starting the pounds quickly fell off and then the stones and before I knew it I had lost over 3 stones! My family couldn't belie...

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Lavina lost 2 stone.*

"Not only an easy-to-follow programme but lost my weight quickly. This makes me feel so good about myself as I can now wear all my clothes that were so tight before. I will look good in my bikini on my holiday next week! Thank you so much Rachel for all of your support."

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Irina from Forest Row lost 2 stone 10lb*

"The Metabolic Weight Loss Programme has been very easy to follow – it has changed my eating habits.

My husband is very proud of what I have achieved with the programme. I am now wearing clothes that I haven't been able to wear for ages. I went on holiday and was able to wear a bikini - I can’t remember the last time I was able to wear one! I love the way I look and feel. I have gone from a size 14 to a size 10 and have lost 2 stone 10lb.

In addition to the weight loss, I feel a lot happier about things. I can cope with stress much better and I am no longer having headaches. I am 100% healthi...

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Vicki from Hartfield lost 3 stone*

"I lost 3 stone in 3 months. In this short time I went from a size 16-18 to a size 8-10! I felt great, wasn't hungry and I found my plan really easy to follow."

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Margaret (aged 80) lost 2 stone*

"Well, I have tried them all! Cheated often, but this time it was different. I had the feeling this diet was the one and it was!! Rachel's inspiration led me on and on. Now having achieved my goal weight I will never return to the ‘old days’ but go forward feeling achievement and certainly feeling and looking much better. Thanks a million, Rachel."

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